Sunday, September 20, 2009

A little Philosophy and Ramblings about Nothing

Today things are very quiet in the Kalinowski household as is appropriate. I can't go outside to do chores or anything as Grandma MUST be supervised at all times so I am sitting in a very quiet house getting an opportunity to do a little computer catch up.
Today is different around here. No tv for grandma. She is sleeping all snuggled in her chair as she is confined to her chair. She loves her chair. She has cancer in the lung area now we think so sleeping flat is not comfortable or restful for her. I ordered her a hospital bed, BUT the first night she slept in it she got herself and Grandpa in huge trouble because she was not sleeping soundly, her dementia is getting pretty bad and she has this incessant need to make everything about "them against the world". Needless to say, I was dragged out of bed way too early, she was screaming at him because he couldn't be her servant (he can't recognize any of us any more and gets lost in the house, following directions is pretty much out for him at this point). Then she starting screaming at me which led to her slapping me. So now Grandma sleeps in the chair 24/7 for everyone's sanity.
I digress.
Grandpa went back to bed this morning. Merry and Jeni will probably only surface shortly before they have to get ready for a graduation/wedding open house later today as they are exhausted too. Matt had 2 nights on the couch so he is also catching up on much needed rest.
Needless to say, Mass is not an option today.
So I am sitting here looking across the house out my living room window. It is a decent view- trees, the farm across the road and the beans from the corporate farmer. Just a week or so ago, the field was very green. This morning is is a golden yellow. With the yellows, golds and reds erupting everywhere we are forced to accept that Fall is on it's way. September has pretty much been a blur for me. It is hard to believe we are over half way through it already.
One of the things I love about Fall are how gorgeous red barns look next to the autumn trees. Living in a place with 4 seasons really is a gift from God........... I can't wait for my next horse ride.

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