Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Joys of a Sunny Fall Day

Well, Fall is officially here. September has been a pretty pleasant experience so far. Mild, sunny and dry for the most part. Sunday is my riding day and I was able to get away from my nurse duties for a while so off I went to ride. One little problem. No Jeni, the horse expert, to chaperon us.
What could possibly happen you say? Well, trail rides are pretty and romantic but they are also spooky and scary if you are a horse. Horses don't like the unknown and don't act all mellow and brave like you see on tv or the movies. My reflexes are pretty slow. I have not taken on too much in the riding department precisely because of that. Could I truly handle a spooked horse? It only takes a grasshopper or a weird piece of litter to find yourself running when you didn't plan to. So, after a discussion of what might possible get us into trouble today with Jeni, I decided I was ready to brave being in charge for the first time on a trail ride.
Kara called at the usual time. She is a neighbor girl and sister of one of our dancers who is now graduated and part of the staff. Being in her mid 20's, she is pretty level headed and responsible. So we have been training her all summer to be a second rider for just this kind of situation. Riding weekly for free works for Kara so it has been win-win for everyone. Riding alone on trails is not highly recommended for safety reasons. Plus it is a lot more fun to ride with others.
Anyhoo, I informed her we were on our own today and she was game, so we began our adventure. We were a success!! We had a beautiful ride and explored many of the acres we ride on.
Nothing like a warm. sunny Fall day and a nice horse ride to help you find God, peace and your inner strength. Now I am ready for the week ahead.

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