Thursday, October 29, 2009

The End is in Sight

Today didn't start out so well for Grandma. She woke up and was unable to assist herself in transporting to the wheelchair and then on to the bathroom. Consequently she ended up having to consciously go to the bathroom in her Depend. I was doing the banking when all this happened. Consequently she was pretty grouchy when I walked in the door. She was also pretty incoherent which has been going on all week.
We managed to get her Depend changed and muddled our way through lunch. I put her down for a nap early because she was so lethargic and incoherent.
The LPN arrived and went in to do her check. For the first time, Adele did not spring into animation upon being touched. This is a huge sign. There have been many small changes throughout the last couple of weeks, but until this happened today with the nurse I would have had to stay skeptical that we were still really struggling.
While I am not ready yet to say that her passing is immanent, I will say that the end is in sight. There has been some progress in the spiritual area or with the other side. Not as much as would make this a very peaceful beautiful experience, but there is some progress, nevertheless.

I will be there to assist until the last breath. Then I will breathe a sigh of relief that all is complete.

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