Friday, October 2, 2009

Not Sure What to Write

I am sitting here at 8:30 pm in a very quiet house with most of the daily chores caught up, paperwork done and the babies, aka the grandparents, are quiet and ready for bed. This is unprecedented.
I changed bill day to accommodate the hairdresser, who could only come on Fridays so that is one stress out of the way.
Grandpa finally went to bed on schedule so he is finally settling down from his latest episode. We thought maybe we were going to lose him this time. The dust has not all settled yet but he looks like he's going to make it for now.
Grandma is tucked in watching "America's Funniest Videos" and will be off to sleep by 9:00 or so.
I have the couch until Matt gets home at midnight because Merry and Jeni are off to a wedding reception.
I am finding myself for the first time in a VERY LONG TIME with a little disposable time. Now I would rather be upstairs folding laundry, but I do need some time to just chill and unwind.

It's sort of like having 2 very large 1-2 year olds minus the loud crying...... and laughter for that matter. We have the messes, the need to be in very close proximity to them, the need to love, comfort and tuck them in, the need to reassure that everything is ok, redirect and lastly, remind them about everything and everybody. It is not a job for the weak, nor is it a job for someone who will take things personally, but it is a family duty nonetheless and we are all glad we didn't shirk the responsibility.

Adele is in her final weeks of her life. She has had a pretty gentle ride down. I know prayer has a lot to do with it, if not for her, than for the rest of us and Grandpa. Her memory is really weakening as is her energy and I am FINALLY noticing her beginning to cherish life and her family although still no progress in the God or other side department. Before I always thought she would go quietly with only me around or even perhaps the worker. Now I am changing my mind. She may go with everyone near. Not necessarily hovering, but more likely a Sunday night when we are all watching tv or something. She is changing a lot. This was a very difficult week. Hopefully, one of our worst, although I know how much worse it can get. Thankfully, we are getting a little less Ursula the sea witch each day and a little more placid, enjoyable grandma.

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