Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Calgon, Take me Away!

I need extra hands, fingers and legs. I feel like I just can never get everything done in a timely manner and get to Africa and back before things get too busy for the show.
Yet, I know things are coming along. So I am probably being too hard on myself (as usual) and in a few days the ticket will be ordered on schedule and I will actually leave with my suitcases and mind in a good place.
Make no mistake, traveling overseas is a whole lot more difficult than it once was. Last time my bags were checked at least 3 times on the way over and we were herded through extra security on the way back. When our family first became involved in mission work, we used to send everything including the kitchen sink back with them in simple duffel bags. Not so today.
But by far the worst of the stress and worry comes from trying to get organized for all the work we need to do once I arrive.
Mail takes 3 weeks or so, ATM's do not exist, Shampoo and toilet paper are not easily picked up at the corner store. I think I am making my point.
And I have to get a lot accomplished by American standards.............and Africa just does not like to work at the same pace so it is really important that I get it right before I go because after the long flight and numerous expenses to not be able to get things accomplished would be very disappointing for everyone.

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