Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Burkina News

Well, my old and dear friend Dr. Ogboh, has come to the rescue once again. His practice is in Brown City, a little burg just to the north of us. I went to get my prescriptions for my upcoming trip to Burkina and as always, he was extremely interested in Rakieta and her fate.
He is from Ghana and was very helpful when she was here living with us. He gave me sage advice, as always, and also is going to work with us to help set up a holiday in Ghana so that Rakieta can have a visit with everyone. That is very uplifting news. You see the Burkinabe people only need their national ID to go to Ghana or a passport to fly there. It is only about 150 miles from Ouagadougou to the coast of Ghana but the roads are very poor so it is a long ride by bus. But they are used to that and time moving much slower so the bus ride is very doable for the family.
It is much easier and less expensive for us to fly to Ghana than Burkina and it is an English speaking country. A huge +++++++.
Not to mention it has beaches since it is on the coast. This may take a long time to get all planned out, BUT it will be a wonderful experience to be able to have both families together at once and the experience of a lifetime for all of us, but especially them.

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