Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Papiers Du Sahal

Paper from offices at the Embassy, etc that needs to be recycled
These are the tools that are used to mix and cook down the paper mix
Hay to mix with the broken down paper
What the paper mix looks like once it is browken down and ready to make into new paper
Paper mix being placed on paper form. The liquid is allowed to run off
The paper is pressed and later hung up to dry
I made a friend online in the last several months who was living in Ouagadougou. Turns out she is a neighbor of Grandma. She has been a wealth of knowledge to me in my preparations to go over. She has a blog also. It is http://bethinburkina.blogspot.com I also have a link over in the links column. It is really good reading.
Anyway, she helped some of the women start a paper co-op which has given them financial security. I told her I would give the business a plug when I got home so here it is. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

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