Saturday, May 16, 2009

Cyndy or Cinderella

My mornings go like this: Down the stairs I come at promptly 8:00, hopefully to a yet sleeping grandpa. Isabelle, the dog wants out. So first I let her out. Then I let any cats out that want out. I start the coffee,wipe down the table, get breakfast on the table, make hot chocolate for Adele. When the chickies were in I would take the towels off the cages (for darkness) and feed and water. I get pills ready and then I can have some me time. If grandpa is up, I don't even get to the bathroom first because he is usually up to mischief. On some of these mornings I can't help but giggle that my mornings are a bit Cinderella-ish. Remember the dance show we just did. I watched every version of Cinderella over and over as we were preparing for the show. Maybe I am Cinderella-ed out, but you have to admit I have a point.

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