Saturday, March 5, 2011


Ol' man winter needs some of that, balance. We have been all over the map temperature wise, we are finally getting into the right temp range for March, BUT our nights are still very cold some days. Weird. We woke up to rain, and now it is snowing AGAIN. The rest of the week seems more tame. Thank the Holy Lord.

In spite of the wretched winter we are finishing, seeds are sitting in bags waiting to be planted, trees have been ordered, chicks too, and I will be ready to incubate my own in a few weeks. It feels good to be thinking spring.

The costumes and show preparations are coming along swell. I can't say enough how much I love that barn.

All of our girls, here, there and everywhere, are doing well. Being a parent of adult children takes some getting used to, but honestly, I am just as busy now as ever. And I am definitely not lonely. I always say: Girls never really leave you, they just keep bringing more people home. Very true.

So, lets see: farm on track-check
dance program on track-check
daughters all doing well-check
"stuff" getting reigned in-check

All this =balance. It feels good and I love it!

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