Saturday, May 15, 2010

Update 5/15/10

So much to do, so little time! The house is completely out of control again. But that is normal for this time of year. I have cleaned us back up twice already, but when you are making costumes, it is easy for things to spread into every room. It is very fun, but I always am glad when it is over because it literally consumes us for at least a couple of months and I miss the other parts of my life.
The grass is also completely out of control. I love mowing, but oh the time....or lack of it. I can't let Matt touch it because he mows over everything. One disadvantage to our "park like setting". Merry may be helping since she isn't too busy today.
The garage is still....NOT. We got so much rain the last two weeks that nothing can move forward. The plan is they will start Monday. We shall see.
Meanwhile all the rain is wreaking havoc on our tubs of costumes. I am very weary of drying things out.
Well, off to call Rakieta, sort eggs, cut grass and work on costumes.

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