Saturday, February 13, 2010

Crazy Saturday!

The girls sent me off to set up for the horse show too early this morning. That was ok because it gave me time to get some computer work done. Then the people started showing up. First ones in were Jimmy and Kara, who are pretty adorable but who are very active today and in scrappy moods, especially with each other. Then the calls started coming from home. My brother, who is not the best decision maker, and who is borrowing our old farm car until he gets his truck fixed, decided to go straight to Saginaw to pick up his daughter instead of trading cars. Matt is livid. Combine this with the dogs barking, the radio up too loud and it made for a very busy hour or two. At about noon I get to leave this insane asylum and go home to Matt and Kyle putting up my other ceiling moulding thing that surrounds the dining room fan. The living room one was quite an ordeal. And Matt's opinion on anything like this is "the more drama the better."
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. Matt wanted to go to a movie tonight, but I think it may have moved on already. So I don't know what we are going to do. We do need to walk the property again so maybe that and then go out for dinner. We'll figure something out.
The nice thing about these shows is that a lot of the people are friends and neighbors. So it is always good to see everyone.

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