Monday, March 3, 2008

Guess what?! More snow and ice on the way. Are you noticing a pattern yet?

Well, we are in yet another weather advisory. This weekend we started melting. As of my last venture outside at about 8:00pm the water was still running heavily. We began melting on Friday with a gradual increase in temps until we reached a high in the upper 40's today. As of now the water is running frantically over the several inches of very hard solid ice. This is not a night to park your car in a low spot. Tomorrow we are supposed to be getting 6-8 inches of sleet. I guess I'll update after the damage is assessed. I will say this. Water has crossed ditches and is level with concrete in places I have never seen before. I expect the flooding to be rather rough.

As for the Burkina news, rioting did break out on Thursday. Our people are all fine, but things were a bit uncomfortable for many hours.

It has to do with poor taxation policies, food prices rising way above affordability of the average Burkanabe and people just being sick and tired of being exploited by a very corrupt and spoiled government.

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