Sunday, May 8, 2011

Update at last

It has been a little while..........
The snow never seemed to stop, the mud never dried up, the rains began and made the mud worse, Burkina began to have civil unrest, show season began to take over and now my house is being overrun by an 18month old. Natasha and Abby have taken up at least part time residence. The adjustment has been pretty good, but definitely exhausting some days. Good thing we haven't had too much time to get used to life without Grandpa. At least she is shorter than he was and can't open doors. On the other hand she needs her diapers changed and throws her food. Oh well, such is life.
In other news, all the trees did get planted, the driveways have been restoned and so we are not drowning anymore, I have more kids than I know what to do with for horse camp, and costumes are clicking along. The chicks were finally able to move out to the nursery pen, Thank Goodness.
Rakieta is graduating sewing school this spring and her sister Gemilia got married this weekend.
Merry has a new beau, Jeni had to get a new car and Natasha thinks boys are stupid.
Matt is FINALLY able to ride his motorcycle to work.

I really LOVE my life. Every hectic, zany, messy, loud minute of it.

Mother's Day was absolutely awesome here. I hope all of you had a great one too.
Well, I am off to do laundry before we all pile on the couch for Desperate Housewives. (Or as Natasha puts it: Desperate Wife's House)

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