Saturday, January 1, 2011

Merry Christmas part 2

Natasha and Abby

Family photo minus Natasha the photographer

The house is bubbling over with the smells of turkey and all the fixins, the tree is overflowing with presents once again and the house is alive with quiet chatter. Today is our "After Christmas Christmas". This time though in addition to all the regular attenders, we have a house guest who is 2 feet tall and is busy concentrating on trying to balance herself unassisted. While she is very entertaining and charming, it is good that she still takes long naps. Her name is Abby and she is Natasha's little girl. Natasha is a long story so I'll give a very short version. Natasha was a young orphan girl we hosted many years ago from Russia. We were unable to adopt her but she was adopted by another family. Now all these years later, she and her daughter have come to spend the weekend with our family and celebrate Christmas with us.
We couldn't be more pleased.
Now it is time to call Rakieta because if she can't be with us, she insists we call.

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