Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fall is Settling In

Well, we opened the studio for the fall yesterday. The waiting room is a wonderful addition. It keeps the mess and clutter out of the studio and gives parents an opportunity to watch and keep up with the studio happenings. One of the best $3,000 ever spent.
With the classes beginning, that puts all of us on a much stricter schedule. I love the busy social chaos that is normal for us , but I also relish the quiet and lack of structure of summer. Only this year, it never happened because of the construction of both the barn and the waiting room. I am absolutely pooped. So I am hoping that the new schedule will help quiet my crankiness from the construction woes.
Rakieta was pretty down in spirit when we talked today. A friend from sewing school died. They accept death more readily there because of the lack of medical care and higher mortality rate, but something tells me this is one of the first young people close to her that she has lost. I'll know more tomorrow.
Slowly but surely things are beginning to be put where they really belong. We have been so crowded for so long, it feels pretty good to finally have a place for everything.

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