Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lazy summer Sunday

Today is Matt and I's 23rd anniversary. We celebrated yesterday since we had no people around. We finished up on our to do list for the day and headed up to the tip of the thumb. We were on a mission for unique cupolas to help us design one for the barn/garage. Then we were looking for a nice place to eat, preferably on the lake. Both missions were accomplished. However in the chaos of the day I managed to leave my glasses at a garage sale. So bright and early this am I had to head back to the garage sale to retrieve them.
Well, glasses are back on the nose and so I am whole once again.
The construction crew has one last task and then they will be gone. The concrete is still not poured and it looks like they will miss tomorrow since the rain is coming. But we are moving things in and slowly but surely it is becoming home. For the first time in several years the porches will be tub free. I am looking so forward to that.
Between the bugs and the heat, the horses are getting a lot of extra attention. They love it. Everything else is going pretty well. I am finally starting to feel like I have some control over my time and I am very grateful. Now to begin the arduous task of planning the trip to Africa.

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