Sunday, July 26, 2009

My table and Chairs

Dining room table without leaves
Chair back and seat
Chair leg and table pedestal
I thought I had posted on my dining room table before but upon looking back over my posts I didn't see it so I will post again. I ended up having to special order my chairs. It took a really long time to find someone to order them for me. But I did, they were on back order and you know what? I lived through it all just fine. No weird crisis. So, I will order furniture in the future with absolutely no trepidation.
The story is that I bought a beautiful table but not the matching chairs as they were just "too much" for my farmhouse. The table needed to open to at least 90 inches and I found the perfect one and it was an awesome deal. Then after Christmas I began to look for chairs. I eventually found 2 that were perfect. Turns out they were from the same company. The problem came when I wanted to order 4 more to match. The company which has beautiful furniture will only sell through dealers, not to any individual customers. So I began my quest to track down a dealer. Not so easy in this difficult credit economy. Furniture has taken a huge hit with the recession and since there is a minimum order of 1500.00 for each dealer and no one can get or wants to run up too much credit in furniture that may not sell, I hit brick wall after brick wall. Finally I found a dealer who was not only a current customer of the company but only 40 minutes away. Woohoo!!
Chairs ordered successfully. Unfortunately 3 days later I got a call telling me they were on back order. However they arrived 2 weeks earlier than predicted and they are now safely in my dining room. It feels great. This is my first "grown up, brand new, high end" dining room set. We were always so busy raising kids and doing kid things that were not conducive to an expensive dining set. We did leave Grandpa in the old chair since he needs spill proof and the arms on his chair are better support for him.

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