Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Last week someone called me a lightworker. I hadn't heard that term in a long time. I did a little research when I had time. I am not sure I buy into some of the rhetoric, but if knowing 1. that you have a mission or purpose 2. knowing what your purpose or mission is 3. are driven to act on it 4.It helps mankind and humanity 5.It leaves your corner of the planet a little better off 6. You seem to be at peace with or connected to the afterlife/angelic/God side of things, then I guess I probably am a lightworker. It actually makes sense. I will still live my life exactly as it has been, mundane drudgery, busy, busy and the stresses all people endure, and I love every minute of it, but I did come to realize through that conversation that I need to nurture my spirituality more. Iget so busy taking care of everybody I forget to nurture me. So that is one of my Lenten sacrifices.
Have a great day everyone.

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