Sunday, May 15, 2011


Well good morning everyone.
Most of the eastern US appears to be under water. A lot of water. I am dreading going out to the studio because of the mess I have to deal with. But I will gripe about the large quantities of water and the huge sewing load later.
Today I want to briefly say how happy I am to report that ALL of our orphan girls are checked in and accounted for.
Our relationship with Rakieta and ever growing family continues to be stable. The only crisis there is that Rakieta complains when I do not call enough.
All of our host daughters but one have checked in and are in regular contact. The only one left out there is Chikako who is in Japan. I assume that she too will check in when she finds her way to facebook.
The reason I started this blog was to help those on the other side of the ocean feel connected to those of us on this side of the ocean. I originally wrote of one Russian daughter. I am happy to report that the little gal, Natasha, who started our whole orphan adventures has also made her way back to us. It has been a long and difficult struggle for her but she is back with us once again and over the last 6 months has begun the long journey of trying to get her life and her daughter's where she would like things to be.
Also, today one of the 3 African girls, who had moved to Benin, Delilah, checked in on facebook finally. It is a huge relief to have contact once again. And an added bonus is that she now has a good working English vocabulary.
Lastly, all the American girls we helped parent over the years have all checked back in over the last year and 1/2 or so.
Of course Merry and Jeni are doing well. Things are pretty status quo for them at the moment.
It truly makes my heart sing to have so much love in our lives and to see the blossoming as a result of our efforts when it mattered so much.
Looking back I wouldn't change a thing. In some situations, we actually had to make huge sacrifices and went through a lot of agony, but it has all been worth it!
I have always said "There is always ENOUGH love. No matter how short everything else may be, there is always enough LOVE. " I think we have proven that that statement is very true.

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