Monday, June 28, 2010

Yard Work

Today I cut down an over 3 foot tall thistle. The darn thing weighed about 20lbs too. I feel better. I am still very overwhelmed. It just seems like there is not enough hours in a day, but I am at least beginning to get stuff on the "to do" list done. I just want time to stop and smell the roses. I need it very bad. I think by fall we should be there. I am telling you I do not need to climb any mountains or conquer any wars for a while. I just need to hang out for a bit in a peaceful place.
The horses are making me very happy. It is really nice to have horses that are very placid and happy go lucky.
I have rodents in the chicken coop. Oh joy! So out came the rat poison before it gets out of hand.
Tomorrow temps in the high 60's. This is one weird summer. It should bring some relief to the horses who are using a whole bottle of bug spray a day right now.
Well off to make bug spray and eat dinner.

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