Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Aching Head and Back!

I woke up with a head ache this morning. I shouldn't have. It was a low barometer kind and clouds are high and dry today. So far it is still hanging on. Distant, but there. Now after slaving over the computer most of the day, my neck is stiff too. I am not sitting around enough on the computer I guess and my neck muscles are getting weak.
A lot of African stuff today. I still am not making contact with the prosthetic clinic even with a lot of ingenuity and work. So goes another day in the life of Burkina Faso. Once we get everything straightened out, I think we will be super okie dokie. It is just like trying to push a train, getting things done over there.........especially from over here...........especially since my French is so bad and their English is worse. Oh well, with perseverance we can and will overcome.
Rakieta is still waking up with blood in her mouth. The dentist told her she had dirty teeth but no other problems so it is medical. Refer to paragraph 2. Oh well, with perseverance we can and will overcome this too.
Grandma has developed a chest rattle. The Hospice nurse thinks it is probably cancer up there from the way it sounds. That would also explain her back aches that come and go. Not good news, but also it means she will not hang in in a lethergy for a long time. thinks me knows why I am aching so much. My body must be telling me to release some of my stress. Having Hospice has helped a lot and I have learned to not let Africa get to me. It requires me ordering myself to breathe and live and accept that so much is out of my control. I wouldn't wish the harsh lifestyle on anyone, but I truly have learned patience and have been reminded so many times to have faith from them.

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