Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dance Shows are officially over!

Well, Carmen Sandiego was officially caught....twice. But the slippery scoundrel got away on us. Alas, she is still on the loose to steal major artifacts and national treasures. However, the Rockettes are safe and sound in their home at Radio City Music Hall.

This morning I awoke to cool temps again. We are still running the heat at least at night. And it is cloudy, but it is a beautiful day to me. The shows are awesome. The kids were great. The dancing has gotten more and more complex and while I don't want to brag.......OK I will. We rock! Now more than ever. We are up to 60+ performers between the two programs.

So how many costumes you ask? Well , 60 x an average of 5 costumes per girl. Many were in closer to 8 or 9 . Most costumes had at least 3 pieces. That put us at a minimum of 900 pieces for this show. Yes, it was a ton of work and it took me plus 6 helpers to get the job done. Now our ever growing costume closet is in very nice shape so while there will always be work and stress during a show, the costume part is now done being overwhelming. Hopefully!
It needs to be because it is time for me to concentrate on publicity and other things that help make a production great.

What do I plan to do with my first day off in 2 months? We are going out to breakfast with the Grandma's for belated Mother's day and then I am coming home to cut the grass!!! Yes, even us important celebrity types have to cut our grass.

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