Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Educational Sponsorships in Burkina Faso

updated 7/12/08

I have waited a very long time to post this because I really needed to verify a lot of things and I didn't want to post incorrect information.

There are some educational sponsorships floating around for Burkina Faso. Are they legit? I have no way to tell you that answer. What I can do is give you prices and other info from my experience and the knowledge of others in the country.

The system is quite complex and I can tell you this-If a child has not begun on time or has fallen out, it is virtually impossible for them to get back in. The illiteracy rate in the country is quite high. Well over 70% nationwide and about 83% for girls, especially in the villages.
So, anytime I see raggedy kids with educational sponsorship requests I have to be a little skeptical.

The national language is French so the children are taught in French except at the International School.

Ok, here are the prices:

Public school-about $3-$6.00 per year. In the villages especially this can be waved. These classes can be quite large. The children do need uniforms, supplies and backpacks. That can usually be gotten for under $15.00 I do know from my own experience that supplies can be hard to come by. Our kids appreciate the supplies as much as the sponsorship itself.

Inexpensive private school, sewing school etc-$30.00 or so annually. Most of the requests coming our way are in that range. Again there is a need for supplies, backpacks, uniforms etc. and the price is the same.

Fancy private school- $100-$300 per year. Don't forget supplies and uniforms. Still the same price.

Exclusive private school-more like American private schools midwest prices. $1500-$2500 annually. The president's of the country's kids go here as do many wealthier Burkanabe, ex pats and many of the other foreign folk who are living in the country.

International School of Ouagadougou- I don't know what to say about this place. Except what's up with this? It is a fancy prep school. It has to be quite small. The cost for it is well over $10,000 annually per pupil. I am assuming it is mostly for the diplomat's kids although who knows. Our tax dollars hard at work perhaps? I digress.
Suffice it to say if anybody asks for donations in the thousands you are being had. If you are donating, you need to ask what kind of school and where. If it is a public school in the village and you are giving more than $50.00 someone is taking more than their fair share of money for administrative costs.

Uniforms, etc-All the schools require a uniform. It is about $5-$7.00 per uniform. They really need backpacks, pencils, paper, etc. Sometimes the sponsorship programs promise to help the family with grain. That is legit. Just hold their feet to the fire and make sure that they are giving you a detailed account. These people are pretty needy and it is a shame when someone preys on American generosity and the good simplicity of the people.

Ok, it is obvious the cost of living is a lot less there. However, not on all things. Gas and food are costing in the same range there as here or more. So if you are a family making in the minimum range, the vast majority of your money is going to food and possibly gasoline. There is very little left. School sponsorships are very appreciated in the right circumstances.

I advocate the sponsorships heavily. They have made a big difference in our kids' lives. Just be very wise before writing out the check.

Keep checking back as this page will continue to be updated.

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