Well, I am back at least for now. Life has been a little hectic. My mother in law has cancer. She is in the medically frail category now and my father in law is in the advanced dementia category so.......the morning after the last screw was put in the new floor of the new studio space, I was in Emergency with my mother in law. That day my father in law moved into the old studio space and when my mother in law came home she moved in with him. Not too bad of an adjustment, but talk about close to the wire. At this point we are going through all the things necessary to start the chemo and radiation.
In all other news things are well. Horses moved down the road to a barn I will refer to as a mansion. For those of you not in the know, we adopted another horse, an older mare who is just perfect for the occasional riders in our entourage, but she is a VERY BIG girl. So rather than move her, we moved our other girls and now they are all residing in what I think is an old calf barn. And it sure is nice! We are adding stalls and making it horsey. With all the other stress, it sure is nice to have things so easy with the horses.
Dance is going well. The students love the new studio space. We do too. It now gives us the basement room we never had in our old farm house. So now we have the perfect space for any large gathering we have.
Well it is now fully daylight so I need to begin my very busy day. I promise more pics and writing on Burkina soon.